0821 2742 4060 | Jual Fleck Control Valve
0821 2742 4060 | Jual Fleck Control Valve
0821 2742 4060 | Jual Fleck Control Valve
Fleck control valves ini berfungsi untuk mengatur aliran air ,back wash, regenerasi secara otomatis di tabung filter maupun tabung softener
Product Features FLECK CONTROL VALVES 5600
Solid state microprocessor with LED display. Time of day, remaining capacity, regeneration cycle in process
Compact turbine meter
Downflow or upflow regeneration cycles
Choose from 3 models of operation : immediate meter regeneration, delayed meter regeneration, or delayed time clock clock regenaration
NOVRAM valve status and memory backup
Continous flow rate of 20 GPM
Backwash capacity handles tanks up to 12" diameter for softener applications, 10" for filter applications
Double backwash capability
Untuk info dan pemesanan hubungi :
022-7238019 | 0857 2352 9677
0821 2742 3050 | 0812 2015 1631 | 0821 2742 4060 | 0821 4000 2080
Pin BB: 29d2de88
new pin : 5AC4B716 / 7C232720
Kantor :
Jakarta:Jalan Kemanggisan Pulo 1, No. 6, RT: 01 Rw: 08 Kelurahan Pal Merah, Kecamatan Pal Merah. Jakarta Barat
Kode Pos: 11480
Bandung:Jalan Mande Raya No 26, Cikadut, Cicaheum Kota Bandung
Surabaya:Jalan S. Parman IVA No.8 Waru Sidoarjo ( Depan Pendopo Lama Waru Sidoarjo ) Daerah Belakang R.S Mitra Keluarga Waru Sidoarjo
Bekasi :Jalan Bintara Jayaraya No. 3 Bekasi Barat
0821 2742 4060 | Jual Fleck Control Valve
Fleck control valves ini berfungsi untuk mengatur aliran air ,back wash, regenerasi secara otomatis di tabung filter maupun tabung softener
Product Features FLECK CONTROL VALVES 5600
Solid state microprocessor with LED display. Time of day, remaining capacity, regeneration cycle in process
Compact turbine meter
Downflow or upflow regeneration cycles
Choose from 3 models of operation : immediate meter regeneration, delayed meter regeneration, or delayed time clock clock regenaration
NOVRAM valve status and memory backup
Continous flow rate of 20 GPM
Backwash capacity handles tanks up to 12" diameter for softener applications, 10" for filter applications
Double backwash capability
Untuk info dan pemesanan hubungi :
022-7238019 | 0857 2352 9677
0821 2742 3050 | 0812 2015 1631 | 0821 2742 4060 | 0821 4000 2080
Pin BB: 29d2de88
new pin : 5AC4B716 / 7C232720
Kantor :
Jakarta:Jalan Kemanggisan Pulo 1, No. 6, RT: 01 Rw: 08 Kelurahan Pal Merah, Kecamatan Pal Merah. Jakarta Barat
Kode Pos: 11480
Bandung:Jalan Mande Raya No 26, Cikadut, Cicaheum Kota Bandung
Surabaya:Jalan S. Parman IVA No.8 Waru Sidoarjo ( Depan Pendopo Lama Waru Sidoarjo ) Daerah Belakang R.S Mitra Keluarga Waru Sidoarjo
Bekasi :Jalan Bintara Jayaraya No. 3 Bekasi Barat